Kamis, 11 Oktober 2012

Sex and Sexuality After Vaginal Birth

To prevent infection in the uterus, do not have sexual intercourse until all vaginal discharge has stopped, your stitches have completely healed, and your doctor says it’s OK. Since healing takes about 4 to 6 weeks, many doctors recommend no intercourse until after your postpartum check-up. However, try to maintain emotional and sexual intimacy with your partner until you can resume your normal sexual routine. Love-making without intercourse may be a choice during this time.
Intimate young couple
It is normal right after having a baby not to feel like having sex for a while. You may be concerned that sex will cause you pain. If so, test your perineum by pressing on it with your finger or put a finger into your vagina to see if it hurts. During sex use a position, such as being on top, that allows you to control penetration. It is important to find a way that doesn’t hurt. Pain causes the muscles to tighten in anticipation of more pain. Vaginal dryness is a common side effect of breast-feeding. If you have discomfort due to vaginal dryness, use a contraceptive cream, or special lubricants, and longer periods of foreplay. Discomfort from intercourse should lessen by the 3rd postpartum month. For a few mothers, it can last for as long as a year.
Your partner may be interested in sex and you may not. Differences in feelings about sex can cause tension and problems between the two of you. Therefore, it is important to talk openly with each other about how both of you are feeling. If you are not interested in sex because you feel too tired, rest before you have sex. You may not be interested because you don’t feel “sexy” anymore. You may be surprised to find that your partner thinks you are sexier and more beautiful now than ever before.
If you are breast-feeding, your desire for sex will probably return to normal after your baby is weaned. Sexual arousal may cause your breasts to leak milk. If leaking milk bothers you or your partner, try feeding your baby before sex or wearing a bra and nursing pads during sex.
Keep in mind that your body and your feelings about sex do return to normal!

Baby Care Basics

The Baby Care Basics for Your New Baby 
Baby care basics weren't something I thought about while pregnant. I distinctly remember when I arrived home from the hospital with my first little bundle of joy. It was a sunny but bitterly cold morning in December. We'd spent many hours at the hospital fussing with the car seat and her going home outfit, complete with winter snow suit. I was tired and sore and yet terribly excited. I walked up the three flights of steps with my episiotomy stitches pulling the whole way, anxious to get my baby in my home.
The funniest thing about the whole day was that once we did finally jump through all the hoops and cross all the hurdles and got home we were perplexed as to what to do next.
As she sat sleeping in her car seat in the middle of the living room floor, my husband and I debated and finally argued over what to do with her. Should we lay her in her new crib? Should we feed her again? Maybe she should have a change of clothes. Finally she woke up and cried, giving us an opportunity to try out all of our new parenting skills.
The good news is that taking care of a baby's basics needs, particularly as a newborn, is very simple. I've collected a group of instructions on baby care basics for your new baby from bathing to diapering, from feeding to holding. From these articles you can get a basic sense of baby care of a new baby, whether it's your first or your fifth. (This goes for mom and dad!)

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2012

10 Ways to Feel Sexy Again

As mothers and mothers-to-be, we constantly care for other people. Our spouses, our children, and our jobs almost always come before anything we want or need. It's easy to put our own desires on the back burner—especially when it comes to love and affection.
Lorilee Craker, the author of We Should Do This More Often: A Parent's Guide to Romance, Passion, and Other Prechild Activities You Vaguely Recall, says that women often bury their sexual desires under their duties of caring for others. And while it's not always easy to transition from Mommy Mode to Hot Mama, it's important for you—and your spouse—to try.
"Studies show that couples with healthy sex lives get along better," says Craker. "There is less tension and irritation in the relationship when couples are connecting in that way." A woman's hormone levels also drop when she goes without sex for extended time periods. So, the less you do it, the less you'll want to do it.

Identifying Libido Busters

There are always reasons to avoid being intimate: You have too much to do, you're feeling espeically pregnant, you're too tired. You're never in the mood. Craker cautions against waiting for the perfect mood to strike. "With kids, and a job, and a house to clean, the ideal time may never come. Just wait for the semi-ideal time," she says.
In Craker's book, she describes "libido busters," or things that make it more difficult for moms to feel sexy. The number one libido buster for most couples? You guessed it—the kids. It's hard to feel romantic if you are worried that your children may walk in on you and your spouse at any moment. For this, Craker suggests setting some boundaries. "Kids are total narcissists. They think that they should be at the center of our world at all times. But we need to underscore that selfish attitude if we are ever to have time alone." Tell your children that it's time for you to be alone with Daddy for a little while. Even if your kids don't like it—and they won't—it's still important to take time away to be a couple.
A common libido buster is a woman's own body image. It's difficult to feel sexy if we are comparing our bodies to the ridiculous standards of Hollywood. "The more we're self-conscious about our bodies, the less we can let loose and enjoy the moment," says Craker. What if you're concerned that your husband may be the one doing the comparisons? Craker says not to worry about that either. "If you have a passionate sex life, your husband won't care what size you are," she says.
Another concern is miscommunication between the spouses. If your husband asks for sex and you say no, he may take the rejection personally. He may hesitate to ask again on another night. "We can't assume that our husbands understand our moods," says Craker. "It is important to talk with him about when good times for intimacy are." No matter how often you are intimate, you need to tell your mate regularly that you still love him and find him attractive. 

Setting the Stage

Ready to rev up your sex life? The following are some fun tips for getting in the mood for love:

  • Get yourself some new PJs. What you sleep in sends a message to your mate, and flannel does not say, "I'm in the mood for love!" You don't have to wear an ultra-sexy (read: uncomfortable) negligee either. Sometimes a tank top or strategically tight t-shirt can be just as effective. "Wear anything that makes you feel cute," says Craker.
  • Give compliments. Saying something nice to your spouse will make you feel closer to one another.
  • Get creative. Many moms find that they are simply too tired to enjoy sex at bedtime. Try it in the morning before your kids wake up—or "nap" when your children nap.
  • Catch him off-guard. At dinner one evening, whisper sweet nothings over the mashed potatoes. Your husband won't be able to get the kids to bed fast enough!
  • Have a slumber party. Actually, have two. Set the kids up with a movie, snacks, and their blankets and pillows. When everyone is comfy, you and your husband go to another part of the house for your own time together.
  • Don't be afraid to take drastic measures. A friend once confided in me that she and her husband got so desperate for sex that they put on a kids' DVD, handed each of their four children a fruit roll-up, and then ran upstairs for a quickie. Well, if that's what it takes...
  • Try something new. "Novelty can be a real turn-on," says Craker. Try a different restaurant or splurge on a new outfit. Just get out of your usual routine.
  • Plan an at-home date. While one spouse is putting the kids to bed, the other can pick up take-out. You may eat dinner late, but if you can enjoy a meal without having to shout over the kids, isn't it a good trade?
  • Hire a babysitter. Indulge in a night out or spend the night in and escape to your own room for a movie, dinner in bed, and some serious cuddling, while your babysitter tends to the kids downstairs.
  • Surprise! After the kids have been put to bed and your husband is picking up toys, surprise him by dressing up in your best outfit and invite him upstairs for desert and drinks. Or on the sly, arrange for your children to spend the night with grandparents or friends and enjoy a date with your husband; make dinner reservations or pick up his favorite take-out, quick change into a fun and flashy outfit on your way home from work, and treat him to a surprise night out (or in!).
  • Maintaining a passionate sex life while raising young children can be a real challenge, but the benefits are definitely worth the effort. You may feel selfish taking time away from your kids to reconnect with your husband, but keeping your marriage healthy is one of the most loving things you can do for your family. 
    by Diane Sonntag


    Feel Like A Hot Mama Post-Pregnancy

    Even when you're physically not ready for sex postpartum, you may have the urge to tap into your inner sex kitten. Although your body may not be back to its pre-pregnancy form after giving birth, you can still boost your self-confidence and ignite your inner spark. From sporting a new 'do to taking a break from nursing, discover seven tips on ways to feel sexy after having a baby. 

    1  Start the day off right

       Whether you're planning to head out or snuggle with your bundle of    joy all day, taking a little time to engage in a morning routine can go a long way. "For me to feel good about myself I had to start every day with a shower, put on makeup, fix my hair and put on jewelry," shares Nicole Atkinson of Towson, Maryland.

    2   Exercise your body post pregnancy

       Once you have a green light from your physician, get closer to getting physical with your partner by exercising. It will not only help you lose the baby weight, but also get those feel-good endorphins pumping and encouraging a surge of sexiness.

    3   Put on some non-maternity clothes

       After giving birth, you may be tempted to stay in your maternity clothes for the long haul. But even if your body post pregnancy is a larger clothing size, splurging on a new outfit will help you feel sexy and remind you that you don't always have to be in mommy mode.

    4   Enlist some help

        Whether it's help with the housework, a babysitter or a mommy's helper, hiring or accepting help with the baby and household chores will reduce your stress and increase your libido. The helping hands will give you a little more time to yourself, too, so light some candles and sink into a bubble bath and think sensual thoughts.

    5   Think sexy thoughts

        Tap into some suggestive thinking and you may find yourself feeling like the hot mama you really are. Need a little inspiration? Turn on a romantic or sexy movie and you may soon find yourself feeling as erotic as you were before you pregnancy.

    6    Head to the beauty salon

        Styling your hair in something other than a new mother ponytail will make you feel 100 times better after giving birth, so head to the salon for some primping and pampering. While you're there, treat yourself to a mani-pedi, too!

    7    Take a break from nursing

        Invest in a breast pump and hand over baby feeding duties every once in a while.    Whether it is daddy or grandma or a babysitter you can trust, feeling more like a woman and less like a milk machine can help you feel sexy once more.

    More on your sex life after baby

    Sex after baby
    20 Ways to spice up your marriage after kids
    Is our sex life over forever?